A varied training program is required to achieve peak fitness or any sport. This includes strength and power as well as speed and endurance. A balanced diet will help athletes train harder, reduce the risk of injury and illness, and reach their performance goals regardless of the events, environment, nationality, or level of competition. It is important to understand how to achieve nutritiongoals, even with a busy schedule and gastrointestinal problems. A diet that is idle would consist of about 65% complex carbs, 10% to 15% fats (preferably vegetable), and 10% proteins. It is vital that complex foods are broken down into simple sugar. This is done by oxygen.
Magnesium plays an important part in energy production. It is involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions (many of which are related to ATP). It’s involved in the synthesis and reproduction of proteins and nucleic acid (cell reproduction). Magnesium regulates calcium levels and is closely related to potassium (especially intracellular) and phosphorus. Magnesium can be lost in large amounts as a consequence of prolonged exercise, excessive sweating, chronic diarrhea, and drugs such as digitalis, cisplatin, cyclosporine, and diuretics. It can also be lost due to kidney disease, parathyroidism, a low potassium level, and high calcium levels in the urine. Whole-grain cereals and breads such as 100 percent bran and oats are high in magnesium. Soybeans, spinach, broccoli, and corn are also rich sources. Dates, raisins, and bananas can be found among fruits and vegetables. If the water is mineral-rich, it can also be a good source of magnesium. For girls aged 14-18 years, the recommended daily intake of magnesium is 360 milligrams
Alpha Ketogluturate is a chemical that can be found in the human body. It works on many pathways, including helping to make muscles and healing wounds. It is a cosubstrate that plays a key role in oxidation processes involving molecule oxygen. In reactions catalyzed oxygenases, molten oxygen (O2) directly reacts with many compounds in order to produce useful products such as antibiotics. In oxygenases that oxidize a-ketoglutarate along with the substrate, it helps to speed up the reaction. In fact, one of the a-ketoglutarate-dependent oxygenases is an O2 sensor, informing the organism the oxygen level in its environment. Alpha-ketoglutarate, in combination with molecule oxygen, is required for the hydroxylation from proline to hydroxyproline during the production of Type 1 Collagen. AKG and aKG are sold to bodybuilders as a-ketoglutaric acids with the claim of improving peak athletic performance.
Inosine:a Nucleoside. It plays a key role in producing “2,3 DPG” which is necessary for oxygen transport to muscle cells. Oxygen, as you know, is essential for energy, which allows muscles to work more efficiently, improves strength and promotes growth. Inosine is also necessary for the regeneration of ATP which is our primary energy source. We become easily fatigued and our muscles perform at a lower level if we do not have enough ATP regeneration. Brewer’s yeast, organ meats such as liver and heart are all sources of inosine. Inosine is also naturally formed in all human tissue, especially in the skeletal and cardiac muscle.
Malic acid:A substance naturally found in fruits and vegetables, apples being one of the richest. Its ability to increase energy and stimulate metabolism is one of its greatest benefits. It is essential for improving muscle performance and reducing fatigue. This is due to its role in the Krebs cycle, a series of biochemical reactions that transforms proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy and water. To keep this process running 24 hours a days, it requires a steady supply of vitamin, enzymes, and chemicals such as malic acids. Without the Krebs cycle, energy production would grind to a stop. It is therefore essential to have enough malic acid on hand in order to ensure that this cycle functions efficiently. Malic acid should be taken in 600mg capsules, one to three times per day. Magnesium taken with malic acid has a more marked effect on fatigue. “. You can find it in apricots, gooseberries and raspberries as well as cherries, lemons, lemonade, pineapples, apricots, gooseberries, cherries and mainly in unripe fruit.
Ferulic Acid An antioxidant, ferulic acids pairs with molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals are always looking for molecules with which to form bonds. They often find molecules within cell walls, damaging cells. This substance is found in large quantities on the leaves and seeds of cereal plants such as wheat, rice and maize. Fruits such as oranges, pineapples and apples are also sources.