Your body converts the food that you eat to sugar, and then uses this sugar as energy. If you have Diabetes your body cannot use sugar as energy. Sugar floats in your blood. People with diabetes often have high levels of sugar in their blood.
Over time, too much sugar in the blood can cause serious complications such as blindness, amputations and foot problems. Your health care provider will always check your blood sugar. Less sugar, less fat and more exercise will help you lower your blood glucose and delay or prevent these problems. This can prevent or delay diabetes for our family members or friends. I was struggling with a large belly for many years before I discovered the secret.
Sugar does not necessarily have to be white and refined. Sugar is glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, or malts, as in honey and rice malt, jam (which contains concentrated juice that is high in sugar from fruit), maple syrup and corn syrup. alcohol can be considered a sugar. These sugars can be problematic in different ways.
This is a list with high sugar foods that you should avoid.
White Flour
During processing, flour is stripped of all the good stuff (bran and germ). It is then bleached using a dangerous chemical called “alloxan”, which is similar to Clorox. This compound damages the beta cells of the pancreas and leads to type 2 diabetics. Then, the “enriched” products are laced with vitamins derived from coal tar (carcinogenic-cancer causing). The blood sugar levels are almost as high when you eat white flour as they are with refined sugar. White flour is a major cause of intestinal infections. The white flour is difficult to chew and puts pressure on your digestive system. It also contains very little fibre. Avoid white flour products, such as bread. bread, cakes, pancakes, pasta, pies etc. You can eat these foods, but only in small quantities. Flour-based products have no nutritional value and do more harm than good to the body. Combining this with high heat and sugar will cause all sorts of degenerative diseases.
Soda/Carbonated drinks
You would be doing yourself a favor if you regularly consume soda/carbonated beverages. The sooner you eliminate them from your daily diet, the better. A can of soda/ Carbonated Drink has up to 15 teaspoons sugar, 150 calories of empty calories, and 30 to 55 milligrams of caffeine. It is also loaded with artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. These are all things that have no nutritional value. Aspartame is added to some soda drinks labeled “diet soda”. Aspartame consumption is associated with a number of health effects, including brain damage and diabetes.
French Fries and Doughnuts
French fries and donuts are both deep-fried starches. They are simple sugars before they are fried. They’re then fried to further reduce their nutritional value. You may want to think about this before ordering your next Biggie. A typical doughnut has 200-300 calories. Most of these calories come from sugar and very few nutrients.
Energy and Meal Replacement bars
In today’s fast-paced world, it may seem that energy and bars are a great way to get some vitamins and minerals. They may have a higher nutritional value, but they also contain the same amount of sugar and calories as candy bars. Sugar rushes and crashes are caused by the high sugar content, leaving you feeling unsatisfied. Keep a piece or two of fruit in your bag for those moments when you feel like you need to be boosted.
High Sugar Cereals
Many breakfast products are loaded with simple sugars, which may give you a boost in the morning but can cause problems later. One popular cereal has 13 grams per serving of sugar, but only 1 g dietary fiber and just 2 grams of proteins. These cereals are empty calories. These cereals are candy bars with milk topped on top. Try oatmeal or whole grain cereals with fruit on top.
Most of these products contain trans fats, which are bad for you. If you eat them regularly, it won’t make much of a difference. However, you are better off snacking on healthier snacks like nuts and dried fruits. Sugar content can range between 37-66.6 grams for every 100 grams of candy or cookies.
Ice Cream & Desserts
Today, many commercial ice creams are chemical concoctions packaged in attractive packaging to promote a product not suitable for human consumption. Ice cream is made from a variety of ingredients, including hydrogenated oils and high fructose-corn syrup. Sugar is found in approximately 17 tsp per ice-cream bar.
There’s always space for JELL-O. But depending on your dietary requirements and restrictions, you may or may be able to enjoy this sweet treat. The majority of JELL-O varieties contain 19 grams carbohydrates. All of these are sugar.
Fruits vs. Fruit juice:
Sugar in fruit is called fructose. Fructose, also known as sucrose or table sugar, is broken down slowly in the body. It does not cause wild fluctuations in blood glucose levels like table sugar. Sugar content in some fruits is higher than others. The easiest way to determine this is by tasting the fruit. The sweeter it tastes, the more sugar there will be. Dates, bananas persimmons grapes mangos are some of the fruits with a high sugar content. Low sugar fruits are cranberries and grapefruit. Passion-fruit, strawberries, passion fruit, lemons and grapefruits also fall into this category. Sugar content is higher in dried fruit and fruit liquid than it is in fresh, whole fruit. Fruits are dried to remove the water, which concentrates the sugar. When fruit is juiced, the fiber and water content is removed. Fresh, whole fruit contains water and fiber that contributes to the feeling of being “full”. Fresh, whole fruit can be a natural way to reduce your sugar intake. How many oranges can one person eat at a time?
White Sugar
According to studies, women today consume more sugar than they did in 50 or 60 year ago. The majority of this sugar added is refined white sugar. It’s high in calories, and nearly devoid of nutrition. Sugar is not only white, but also brown, powdered, honey and syrup. Sugar addiction is a result of eating too much. Sugar is quickly digested, burned and causes energy peaks and troughs. This leads to a constant desire for more sugar.
Excess sugar can be harmful to your health. Many people are addicted to sugar. This includes grains that are quickly broken down in the body into sugar. Understanding how the ACA operates can help you determine if you qualify for healthcare. If you feel you consume too much sugar, you should speak to your doctor.
To overcome the physical addiction to sugar and grains, it is important not to overeat them.